What does « going to school » mean today- particularly in the professional and technical educational sectors in an urban setting – for young people who, « if things go on like this, are headed for the wall » and for adults who « spend more time socialising than teaching » ?
I have attempted to comprehend and capture lives in these two worlds, irrespective of their standing as student, youth worker, teacher or administrator.
To do this, I spent an academic year in a well-known Brussel’s school of almost mythical status : the Institut de la Providence located in Cureghem – Anderlecht.
- 2000
- 85'
- French
Etats généraux du film documentaire - Journée Scam
A film written and directed by Gérard Preszow Assistant director Marc Decamps Director of photography and Sound Gérard Preszow Editing Karine Pourtaud Mixer Jean-François Gosselin Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Jean-Pierre Dardenne Coproductions RTBF Bruxelles ARTE/ Belgique Wallonie Image Production Bruxelles 2000 With the help of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique, des Télédistributeurs wallons de la Région Wallonne With the support of the SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia) de la fondation du Roi Baudouin
- › ANNEE : 2000
- › DUREE : 85'
- › LANGUES : French
A film written and directed by Gérard Preszow Assistant director Marc Decamps Director of photography and Sound Gérard Preszow Editing Karine Pourtaud Mixer Jean-François Gosselin Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Jean-Pierre Dardenne Coproductions RTBF Bruxelles ARTE/ Belgique Wallonie Image Production Bruxelles 2000 With the help of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique, des Télédistributeurs wallons de la Région Wallonne With the support of the SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia) de la fondation du Roi Baudouin