Freed from time and any historical or political perspective, we are confronted with the Otherness of Chinese culture. We see in this film the opposite of the picturesque – a slice of quotidian life that may be banal, but fascinates us all the same. Is this a kind of exoticism? Yes, if exoticism means to recognize Otherness, to realize that you are the others’ Other and so you are every bit as ‘exotic’ as they are.
- 2017
- 60'
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Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival
A film written and directed by Violaine de Villers and Jean-Pierre Outers Editing Sébastien Demeffe Sound editing and mixer Sébastien Vanderborght A Production Dérives – Julie Freres
- › ANNEE : 2017
- › DUREE : 60'
- › LANGUES : /
A film written and directed by Violaine de Villers and Jean-Pierre Outers Editing Sébastien Demeffe Sound editing and mixer Sébastien Vanderborght A Production Dérives – Julie Freres